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Historic Aero Engineering

Tailored to your requirements

Looking for a career in aviation

One of the most important responsibilities we have as a company involved in the restoration, maintenance and operation of historic aircraft is to ensure that the skills required are passed down to the next generation of engineers, in order to secure the future of these aircraft in our skies.

We have had great success with our apprenticeship program which has allowed us to bring young, new engineers into an industry which they may never have thought it possible to access. Our apprentices receive a high level of training both in the classroom and on the hangar floor. For more information on when we open our selection process to prospective apprentices, please check our social media pages.

We are always looking for experienced aircraft engineers to join our team here at Historic Aero Engineering, whether they have previous experience with historic aircraft or not. If you have previously worked on airliners, GA aircraft or a past life saw you maintaining Lynx helicopters for the Navy, we'd love to hear from you to see if you might be the perfect fit for our team, and join us in preserving living aviation history.

Contact Information

Company Address

Hangar 7 
North Weald Airfield
Epping, Essex
CM16 6HR

Phone Number

+44 1992 522 594

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